Tension and discomfort led me
to Structural Integration
Hi! I’m Janelle.
I’m a Certified Hellerwork Structural Integration Practitioner.
I’ve been supporting people on their healing journeys for over 14 years.
Here’s a little about how I came to this work, why I do it, and how I’m qualified.
I was motivated to seek relief from physical tension and emotional distress, nightly tooth grinding, grief, chronic fatigue and a sense of being old and sad (at just 25 years old).
As I worked my way through the Structural Integration Series, I learned that deeply held emotions were bound up in my body; as my physical tension was released, so was my emotional tension.
Through this process I grew in self-awareness.
Difficult experiences in my life had hardened places in my body into a kind of character armour.
For the longest time I thought that I was just built rigid, with incredibly tight physical restrictions in my hips, upper back, shoulders, neck and jaw. I thought they were permanent, that I had to learn to just live with them.
My flexibility and agility improved, which was immediately noticeable in my dance and yoga classes.
My emotional range expanded from sad and lonely to include lighthearted, open and joyful.
The Structural Integration Series changed the direction of my life.
I went from feeling small, overwhelmed and uncomfortable in my body to feeling open, light, loose and at ease, physically, emotionally and mentally.
As things shifted, my world went from tight and contracted to a much friendlier place.
I was so inspired I decided to become a Hellerwork Pracititioner.
My clients inspire me to continue being a Hellerwork Practitioner
The Hellerwork Structural Integration Series is an incredible catalyst. I continuously witness the physical, mental and emotional changes that people experience when they commit to doing the series with me. It's so exciting to see!
The 11-session series format is an incredible and powerful approach to true alignment: aligning people with their true selves, nudging them towards the lives they know they are meant to be living, in the bodies through which they are experiencing life.
Hellerwork is the perfect vocation in which to facilitate change and physical ease.
My approach as a Practitioner
I'm a people watcher. I love seeing people's spirit expressed through their physicality. Watching people walk (and dance) says so much!
With a background in Hellerwork Structural Integration, Dance and Anthropology - how could I not adore witnessing spirit shining through the body and in movement?
I approach Hellerwork with a deep sense of empathy and compassion combined with listening skills in a safe place and welcoming environment. I bring caring, warmth and gentleness to the intense experience of physical and emotional change. I'm curious, I ask questions and I delight in people's stories.
Formal training and education
Diploma in Hellerwork Structural Integration
Australian School of Hellerwork Structural Integration and Somatic Studies
Hellerwork International
Master's Degree in Dance
York University
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner-in-progress
Somatic Experiencing International
estimated training completion date: December 2024
Bachelor's Degree, with honours, Anthropology
Concordia University
Continuing education and credentials
As all certified Structural Integrators must, I take ongoing continuing education each year to regularly upgrade my knowledge and skills in Structural Integration and holistic health. Continuing education credit highlights include:
Ongoing: 3-year Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training (gentle nervous system oriented trauma healing)
Somatic Narrative with Kathy Kain
Like a Pro: Touch and Consent (for professionals who touch) workshop with Dr. Betty Martin
Introduction to the Psychology of the Chakras with Dr. Anodea Judith (author of Eastern Body, Western Mind)
Energy Awareness with Dr. Glenn Hartelius of Attention Dynamics
CPR and First Aid
Introduction to visceral manipulation and osteopathy for Structural Integrators
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Midline training
Workshops with various instructors such as Thomas Myers (author of Anatomy Trains), attendance at conferences such as the International Fascia Research Conference, and more.
Professional memberships
Canadian Hellerwork Association (CHA)
Hellerwork International Association (HWI)
Natural Health Practitioners of Canada (NHPC) Association
Commitments to personal wellness and self-care
For anyone working in the healing profession, self-care is essential. Most professional organizations recognize this need and require members to continue skills development and learning throughout their careers.
But self-care must go further than that. I believe a healthy healer is someone who is also committed to his/her own health, self-awareness and joy.
My self-care practices involves walking daily, creative writing, healthy eating and receiving sessions from Structural Integrators and other hands-on healthcare practitioners (like osteopathy, acupuncture, etc) (so I don't forget what it feels like to be on the receiving end).
I also seek out holistic healthcare and receive counseling on a regular basis.
I nurture my sense of play and joy with dance classes and the creative arts, which, right now, includes looks like sewing, quilting, collaging and writing.